Welcome to RhythmWorks Alla Le'ake (pronounced Ley'ahkay)
Since 1998, Graeme and RhythmWorks provide African Drumming RhythmWorkshops, Corporate African Drumming Experiences, African Drumming Holidays and Professional Djembe Drum services. A great resource in the UK for West African Drumming, maintaining it's connection to the ROOTS of West African Drumming & Percussion through our drumming & dancing holiday experiences at Alla Leake Kunda in The Gambia, West Africa.
Client Reviews
The Oxford Group
Team Building / Breakout Sessions in France
"Working with Rhythmworks was enlightening for our client, Vodafone. Graeme and his team worked really hard to help people to learn a skill really quickly. This helped reinforce some learning points about being able to accelerate peoples' learning. Graeme also helped demonstrate great leadership skills through his passion and enthusiasm. Overall it was a fabulous event that really helped to build the team in an innovative way. Thanks!"
Management Team Training in
Chantilly, France
"Brilliant! Great fun! And Thank you. We also have a beautiful Djembe Drum to take home and practice.
What a great session - we really enjoyed the meditation exercises - highly recommended
Draka Engineering Group
Management & Team Building
Odoorn, Netherlands
"I can't believe it! We were actually making some great music there. Now I feel ready to tackle anything!
Thank you sooo much"
Nat West Bank
UK Team Building
“Fantastic experience and it was incredible how you were able to teach us to play such great rhythm-music so easily and that we were in actually in time together”